Stephi graduated from high school a few
weeks ago, which means the college dropoff is less than a week away. I have to admit, I've handled it pretty well so far. I haven't stopped eating; pouting and guilt trips have been minimal.....I've only begged her 100 times to consider going to college in the next city, instead of the next state!
I can't believe I'm on the cusp of that next new normal....Premature Empty Nester!
Last Spring, when she sought counseling for her grief, we noticed her smile came back. When
she was ready to stand on her own, the wristbands disappeared.
I can't believe I'm on the cusp of that next new normal....Premature Empty Nester!
Feels like a good time to reflect....or...maybe not! After Josh died, I was wracked with guilt, and questioned every decision and
action I had ever made with any of the Newmanettes. I
still go there at times when I revisit the dark side.
Then I got my little "Atta Mom!" It arrived in the shape of a
graduation cap decorated by my middle child. Yes, she will forever be my middle child.
Funny thing is, I didn't realize the gift when I first saw it. I thought it was cute, but didn't think much more about it until Stephi said it again at the Rascal Flatts/Sheryl Crow concert we attended. I realized there was something to her statement, and maybe I could take the credit. Afterall, I did help my children discover music.
When they were afraid of the monsters under their bed, or in the closet, I sang to them.
When they were sick, I rocked them in my arms for hours softly humming and singing to them.
To help them learn their ABCs, I taught them the ABC song.
Who could forget "Itsy Bitsy Spider?"
They always knew they were loved because "Jesus Loves Me This I Know".
Before Josh died, I was chatting with the high school chorus director who was telling me how much she enjoyed having the girls in chorus and how much she would miss them. I remember telling told her, "You will love it when Josh gets
here too, not only does he have perfect pitch, but he is also a walking jukebox!"
A few weeks later, my boy was gone!
“It is Well With My Soul” was the obvious choice for his service. We actually played Amy Grant's video version, and while the song
filled the sanctuary, I looked around and noticed everyone around us singing. The crowd was very diverse in faiths and cultures, yet they all knew this song of comfort. It is one of the few things I remember about that time.
In the years since Joshua's death from SUDEP, the four of us have found
comfort in music. Brad went Christian, I
went with Christian and Country, Britt went deeper into country, and Stephi? Stephi discovered Boy Bands.
Obsession is a pretty weak word to describe
Stephi and her boy bands. Initially,
her wrist had a single green wristband with Joshua’s name on it, then before
long she added enough Band wristbands to
cover ½ of her forearm. Her walls were
covered with posters, and they were the center of her world.
For three years it was One Direction, 5SOS 24/7. Hours in her room with ears buds repeating
the songs, thousands of tumbler photos, Instagram. She even became known for her expertise on trending
bands. I knew It helped her cope with her loss.
Their brother’s death came when
their own lives were blooming. It was soooo unfair, but they kept baby stepping through
this journey up to the day when my baby happily walked across the stage to accept the diploma she had worked so hard to achieve.
Sometimes you have to hit me over the head with it, but I suddenly realized Music Kept Us Sane.
Today, music remains pivotal in our path towards rediscovering joy. Britt calls home with stories of concerts she attends with groups of friends; Stephi is going to see her beloved 1D boy band on Monday night and has the biggest smile on her
As a parent, I am so relieved.
I even made a very conscious choice when selecting my ringtone. The girls laugh at me, but I know it comforts them to know we'll be ok.
I even made a very conscious choice when selecting my ringtone. The girls laugh at me, but I know it comforts them to know we'll be ok.
It's Mandisa/TobyMac’s
“It’s a Good Morning”.
Wake up to a brand new day . This morning I’m stepping on my way. You give me strength; You give me just what I need, and I can feel the hope that’s rising in me.
~It’s a good morning!
This is terrific, Sherri! Love you!