Sunday, May 18, 2014

Moving From Grief to Empty Nester. Chapter Fore!

Stephanie is graduating from high school in June;  Mid-August we’ll take her to college, and then  we’ll return to an empty house for the first time in 21 years.  This is not how we planned it!   We had THREE children;  the second one is graduating, so we should have one more at home!  

I prefer the pitter patter of gigantic teenage feet, hearing the shower turn on in the morning, the smells of  perfume, cologne, and stepping over things on the floor that do not belong to me.  I love hearing the laughter of friends chillin’ in our family room or basement, and overhearing the latest drama.

Yes, we had a  life  “BK” Before Kids, but it’s such a distant memory.

Fear Not, Brad has a Plan!
Picture this:   A peaceful well-manicured green field, and a golf cart with two golf bags.  One belongs to Brad, and the other belongs to the tall blonde smiling next to him.
He is standing at the tee sizing up the next shot:  He checks out the wind conditions, weather, distance and angle. After much thought, he pulls out the perfect club, takes the shot and it sails gracefully into the air landing two feet from the hole. 

The tall blonde cheers on her golf partner, stands up from the cart, sizes up the situation, pulls out the correct club,  swings the club sending the golf ball gracefully into the air landing on the well- manicured breezeway.  A Perfect Hit! 
Joshua's golf glove and score card in his own hand
I know Brad has his dreams and I want to be supportive, so I started golf lessons two weeks ago.   I needed golf clubs, so I dusted off Joshua’s clubs and put them in the car.  It felt weird…. and it felt right.  I then realized I needed a polo shirt with about 5 minutes to find something .  

 What to do…… It suddenly occurred to me, and I ran upstairs to the room behind the closed door.  I slowly opened the drawer and pulled out a familiar green polo shirt and put it on.  It was actually a bit big on me.  It had fit Josh well 3 ½ years ago. 

Joshua -5th grade

Heart Pangs!  I zipped up my jacket so I wouldn’t keep looking at it ,and jumped into the car.
I made it to my lesson on time, and met my awesome golf instructor;  A petite and spunky woman  who is completely  convinced I am a natural athlete with natural ability.  If hitting the little white dimpled ball a few yards is natural talent?    I am amazing!

Brad was so excited.  How was it?
I’m a natural chipper; Teacher said so.

That’s awesome!  How far did you hit it?  75 yds, 150 yds?
I hit it near the blue and white post in the middle of the green field. What’s it called?  A Driving Range?

Let’s  go hit golf balls this weekend so you can show me your natural talent.
Mother’s Day was our golf date.  I confidently filled the bucket of balls and grabbed the club I used at my lesson.   I set up like Teacher showed me, secretly sent prayers of protection out to the poor unknowing guy next to me, and began to swing.  Some of the balls actually went in the right direction and had some distance.  I was so relieved…and a bit proud!

Brad beamed from ear to ear and then took me out to buy a couple of golf shirts and shoes.  I listened as he carefully explained all the technical considerations, and then I promptly picked out the cool looking shoes with beach teal on them.

Five days later after my second lesson.... 
Brad wanted to know “How was it? “

It was fine.
How’d you do?

I’m a natural putter, Teacher said so!
Remember Brad’s dream?  Here’s Reality:  The man hits the golf ball which sails into the air and lands 2 feet from the hole.

Brad's birthday present from  Josh in 2009. 
The tall blonde cheers on her golf partner, returns her ice tea to the cup holder, gets up from the cart she was driving too fast over the hill to catch air, she looks around suddenly realizing she has to hit one of those little white balls, so she pulls out the first club that catches her eye, and hits the ball.  It sails into the air about 10 feet and then rolls down the hill about 30 additional feet. 
The group waiting behind them let out an audible #%&&! as they open another beer!  It’s gonna be a long day!

It’s gonna be crazy hard dropping Stephi of college, Joshua’s absence is going to hit to the core again. 
I'm trying to stay positive and that means I start thinking of the next chapter sorta like a Dr. Seuss Book....  Oh the adventures we will have.

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