Monday, December 30, 2013

On This Day in 1965

Today is my birthday!!  I know this because I was just on Facebook and lots of people are telling me so.  Then there are those two darling teenagers who love to remind me that I am 4-8!  They taunt me…Mom, just do the math…1965…. oh wait, you stink at Math….just trust us, you are 48!  Sassy children!

They act as though it’s a miracle that I could be so ancient.  Sadly, it goes hand-in-hand with a recent tv interview where fellow December 30th birthday boy tv anchor Matt Lauer, was told by singer Miley Cyrus that people over 40 don’t have sex. Sigh, these kids today!
Some people think it’s a bummer having a birthday so close to Christmas, but it doesn’t bother me….give me a day with my kids, my mountain man,  ‘Amazing Amaretto’ birthday cake and I’m a happy girl. 

Amazing Amaretto!

Meals on Wheels 2013
The only thing that would make it better would be having ALL my kids with me today, but since one has gained his heavenly wings, I try to feel the void a little by finding ways to help others.  Today we delivered Meals on Wheels to some awesome goldenagers. 

Most of the time, it’s a pretty easy job, though there have been a few moments of excitement like the cute lady with blue hair who used her walker to chase her escaped cat down the hallway.  My girls caught him, loved on him and tucked him back in his place of honor.  A few minutes later we were met at the door by a lingerie model with long silver hair who met us at the door in her skiffies before her caretaker threw a robe over her.

The truly warm smiles of these folks who have had such full lives when they see my darling daughters make me appreciate my blessings. 
My birthday 2012
A piece of Amazing Amaretto doesn't hurt either.


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