Saturday, October 15, 2011

Locker room humor--toddler size

I was a stay-at-home mom for 12 years. It could have gone any way, as Brad and I made an agreement that whoever was making the most money at the time would continue working and the other would stay at home...yes, he's that kind of guy.

I laugh now because at the time I lost by $15,000. Because of $15,000 I stayed at home to change stinky diapers, clean up after running toddlers, chase after naked butts who wanted to go outside 'au-natural', joined playgroup with lots of really cool people for sanity's sake and just lived.

When Joshua was around 2 years old, I signed my girls up for swim classes to help get some of that winter energy out of them. Joshua was too young to join so while his sisters splashed in semi organized fashion, I chased Joshua. Did I mention that the parent's observation deck was connected to the inside community center jogging area? You can imagine how often we narrowly avoided toddler/jogger collisions every class and how frustrating this would become...I mean, I wanted to look upon my girls with that proud mama look at their new found skill and all I did was chase the boy and save him from deadly joggers.

After class, I would drag my exhausted self down to the changing room and would attempt to dress two squirmy and excited little girls while my escapee boy would run amuck in the locker room giggling. He was very fond of playing "hide in the locker and make mommy find me" game...I now know another reason lockers have venting...for ornery little boys.

I'm sure I was quite the sight with my squirmy screaming girls and then frantically searching through lockers..luckily, his giggle always gave me a clue.

The girls' swimming class coincided with the golden ager water aeorbics class and these ladies would change at the same time so every week they would observe my post class locker room run around....I noticed how they always had smiles on their faces but didn't have time to think about it at the time.

One particular week, I lost Josh....I couldn't seem to hear his giggle and the search took on a more frantic turn. I searched through 30 lockers before I finally found him, and I grabbed him up, scooped him under one arm, came back to my bench, and held him down with one leg as I dressed the girls.

A couple moments later one of the aerobics ladies quietly finished dressing and said to me "oh how I miss those days" to which I smiled and responded "you are obviously only remembering the good ones"...she laughed as she left the area.

Now fast forward a mere 11 years later.... here we are and the girls are upstairs and I'm sitting here quietly reflecting on my life and realizing "That was a good day, and she was right!" I miss those days more than words can say, and I would anything to be chasing Josh through walls of lockers just to hear his giggle, open the door and grab him up into my waiting arms.

Realizing that everyday life is a gift is something we all have a tendency to forget, isn't it? We get caught up in the everyday drama and forget how special everyday drama is.

I am so thankful for those memories and I leave you with a thought for those who you love that may drive you crazy's challenges may be tomorrow's treasures...
" Hold them close, Hug them hard and Make great memories today!"

Big Hug!

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