Friday, November 18, 2011

Anniversary Chocolates

November 16th was my 20th wedding anniversary with my mountain man from Tennessee.  I should be thrilled right?  I have to admit I don't know what to think about my anniversary anymore.  It was always a very happy day for me...the day someone committed his heart to my care and mine to his. 

Just like many other happy couples, we have had some differences even when we thought we were on the same page.  For example when our daughter  made her debut we knew exactly what we would call her, the interesting part was when it came time to spell her name.....I spelled B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y, while Brad spelled B-r-i-t-n-e-y.  Hmmmm, ooops!   After much discussion, Brittany Leigh Newman was ready to face the world.  She was joined two years later by Stephanie Nicole and  2 years later by baby brother Joshua.  Our family was complete by our 7th anniversary.

Fast forward a few years and we were celebrating Anniversary 19 with our family of five at a fastfood place to contribute to a fundraiser for our high school. We celebrated in style sitting in a pleather seated booth and  I remember looking over at the kids laughing and realizing life was good.... Little did I know it would be our last family meal together.

Joshua passed away from a epilepsy condition known as SUDEP 4 days later on Saturday, November 20th and our marriage and everything about our family changed forever.   We were so brokenhearted that 12 months later as we faced our monumental 20th anniversary,  we didn't know what to do. How could we celebrate the happiness of 20 years of marriage when our family is no longer together? 

We tried to make the most of it, special dinner, time together with the girls, and as I got into bed I found a wrapped box of chocolates with a beautiful card.  My reaction?  I started understandably Brad was a bit put off by my reaction until I told him to check his side of the bed.....there beneath his pillows was a wrapped box of chocolates with a beautiful card.  Without each other's knowledge we had gone to the same place to purchase the same unique chocolates as a token of love even in this difficult time.   This was truly a moment of laughter through tears!

One thing that they say to try when you lose a child is to change traditions....we have thought about this realizing that our anniversary really is a difficult day to celebrate, so for a little while I think maybe we'll celebrate the day Brad proposed to me instead...January 2nd.  I believe in time I will realize not only how special that night was 1 year ago on November 16th, but how lucky I am to be loved by my husband and my children here and above.


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